• Tech Care for All (TC4A), India

    A digital health and social impact company focused on sustainably transforming health outcomes in Africa and in South-Asia

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  • Medical Learning Hub

    Medical Learning Hub (MLH) is our Med-Ed-Tech platform and service that is built to strengthen and equalize healthcare professional capacity in Asia and Africa. We work across the healthcare industry, such as with Individual medical experts, medical associations, NGOs, hospitals and health networks, medical institutes, pharmaceutical, medical device and diagnostic companies to create a vast array of learning and training opportunities for healthcare professionals.

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  • Advisory

    Achieving sustainable change isn’t just about the technology

    We create conditions for sustainable and accelerated scale-up. We strongly believe that positive change does not result from tech-only approaches. Real change comes because behaviors, routines and conditions are changing.
    Talk to us about your digital transformation or Go To Market requirement in healthcare.

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Mission & Inspiration

Sustainably Transform Health Outcomes in Asia and Africa

"Universal Health Coverage Cannot be Achieved Without The Support of eHealth"

World Health Organization, Geneva, 2016
Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO

Management Team

Our diverse founding team covers multiple domains of expertise


Our Service Offerings

Ability to create conditions for scale-up